Thursday, August 6, 2009

Crazy for the Coast

In July, Trev had 3 days without performances, so we raced to set up camp at Harris Beach, Oregon, and were sad to see those days slip by so fast.

The water was frigid, but we finally dared each other to body surf while the kids watched in the sand. They had always suspected that their parents were crazy. Now they knew.
The campsite was a comfortable distance from the wind-beaten shore, but we couldn't help ourselves from exploring the beach every day. When the wind had blown sand into every pore and we could no longer hear or see or smell, we drug our bodies back up the steep cliff to our tent to rejuvenate by the grace of fire and junk food. We were grateful for the sand in our ears that helped us survive each night of night terrors and bathroom needs.

Call us crazy, but we're counting down the days 'till we can load up the tent again.

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