I enjoyed drinking a Wild Cherry Slurpie from Seven Eleven for the first time in years and sauntering home in my flip flops with Trevor and 3 heat-exhausted children.
After dumping a sticky Sophia in her crib, turning up the AC, and drinking 2 glasses of water, I enjoyed the freedom to teach Isac and Haddy why we celebrate, love, and fight for America. Trevor and I had a pretty attentive group as we told stories about our forefathers, read scriptures about freedom, and recited the pledge of allegiance with candles in hand.
My stomach wished I hadn't had the freedom to top off my huge dinner with a slice of apple/blackberry pie, but my taste buds were delighted.
And crazily enough, I enjoyed the freedom to sneak into the kids' room at 9:45 p.m. and wake them from a dead sleep to see the fireworks. We drove to the park, found a spot to sit, and snuggled in a gray blanket just in time to watch bursts of color. While Sophia buried her head in my shoulder and asked to go "back, back," Haddyn "oohed" and Isac spurted out "awesome" at every explosion.
What freedoms are you thankful for? Check out this video and bask in your freedom.
1 comment:
I am thankful for the freedom of blog postings and bright red toe nail polish! Happy 4th you guys!
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