Saturday, July 5, 2008

I Belong to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Isac ran in the house after Church and yelled, "I go to the Church of Jesus Christ!!"

"What does that mean?" I asked.

"Um....Heavenly Father loves me."

I hadn't thought of it that way, but it was undoubtedly true.

God does love us. He loved us enough to send Jesus Christ to the earth, who organized a Church with all the keys to happiness. When this true Church fell into spiritual decay, a complete restoration was required. Our loving God called upon the Prophet Joseph Smith to be the one to reorganize Jesus Christ's Church upon the earth. Today, the Church is led by President Thomas S. Monson.

In a time when the world may seem dark to many, a great light has penetrated the earth. The gospel of Jesus Christ brings light and love into our home. Membership in the Church gives us peace, knowing that Heavenly Father really does love us.

*We love this website that reminds us about God's love for us. If you ever need a lift, visit it! We dare you!

1 comment:

Grandma Walters said...

From the mouth of babes...always true statements. They say we love God because he loved us first. I've checked out the before. Should do it more often. Love to all of you. P. S. Trevor is so blessed to have such a spiritual giant teaching his (their) children.