Sunday, July 20, 2008


It's all fun and games 'til someone pulls out the scrapbook and starts digging into your past. We all have those photos that should never have been taken. Seriously, what inspired my mother to take a picture of my 4-year-old backside when I sported a super swimmingsuit wedgy? Why did a picture of me picking my nose ever make it into the books...a constant reminder that some habits weren't the easiest for me to break.

Now that I am a Mom I find myself following the same disturbing pattern. Something about the sight of Isac bopping into the room wearing Haddy's dress and hair bow made my fingers itch to take a picture. I'll keep it tucked away somewhere and use it only when necessity demands.


Taryn said...

ohh I love it! It is funny that I hate those pics my mom took of me doing crazy things but I totally can't resist when it's my kids! Life is funny when it comes full circle!

Stace said...

Oh dear! Taryn loved this picture (I wonder why?!)

Jessica said...

Oh Amy that is hilarious!! Poor Isac! Cute dress though!

Taryn said...

Oregon is a such a pretty state. I bet you love it! We are living on the south eastern part of Washington. The town we are in boundaries for I guess is Prosser...that is where our kids go to school and we go to church.. it's about 30 minutes from the farm, but we are also about 30 minutes from the Tri-Cities which is quite a couple of Idaho Falls. That's where I go for everything. Other than Church. It's fun here. It's not the valley beauty wise...but it has it's own peaceful beauty. I sometimes can't believe that I love living on a farm. But I love's weird!

Kirsten said...

Love, love, love this picture. I don't have any girls, but maybe I can catch Charlie or Peter someday in Mike's little sisters' clothes to get a pic like this . . .

Amanda said...

I have memories of my brother dressed up in one of my sister's dresses twirling with us girls. I WISH WISH WISH that my mom had gotten pictures of that.

Aaron said...

Ha! I love this picture. Classic.

Jessica said...

Hey Amy,
I made my blog private so email me and I could send you an evite:
Thanks tons!

Woolstenhulme-4-ever said...

Hey Amy,
How are you? You have such a cute family! I just got a new blog it is I think I might put my blog on private so let me know what your E-mail is!! Thanks Kortnee (Nelson) Woolstenhulme

Woolstenhulme-4-ever said...

Hey I did put my blog on private, so E-mail me your E-mail address to and I will invite you!! Thanks again Kortnee (Nelson) Woolstenhulme

Ryan,Katie,Grey said...

You've been tagged. Check out my blog to see what to do.

Kenzie B. said...

Om my goodness amy!!!! Isac is getting so big... ALL OF YOUR KIDS ARE!!!! And they get cuter every second!But this is hilarious!! I say when he brings his first girlfriend home, we pull this picture out!!!! haha. Well give everyone my love and tell Trev i say hi!!
Love ya lots!!!!!

Stace said...

Note to has been a few months since I've posted new pictures of my cute family and my friends would probably like to see them!! Love, Amy

jmelgan said...

too cute...

Grandma Walters said...

Amy, don't tell Isac this, but the first picture we saw of him you sent we just could not believe it...he was too pretty, beautiful, etc. etc. to be a boy! But the girls will love he will grow into handsome!!
I think I'm finally all caught up on your blog. I need to do this more often! Love again...

Kalia said...

Even more harsh than the blackmail, is how it lasts, eh. No one he knows will ever forget it since it's been the highlighted post forever!!! Give us some more pics!!! Love, Kalia

BreAnn said...

Amy! How are you guys?! We miss you and still think about your family!! (