Sunday, May 25, 2008

An Age of Questions

Isac is four. Four-year-olds feel bigger the morning of their Birthday. They walk around the house showing you how high they can reach and what they can climb because they are four. When they crash their new big bikes they get right back on; they can "read" books to their sisters; they cut their own pancakes with a fork. Most of all, four-year-olds ask questions.
  • "Mommy, why do you have so many balls on you?" (Freckles...)
  • "Why does Jesus tell you to eat lettuce?"
  • "Will I be bigger like a Dad when I am 4?"
  • "Will I have a lots of hair when I get Dad?"
  • "Will I be shot like Joseph Smith when I get bigger?"
  • "When I feel hot, is that my spirit?"

That doesn't mean four-year-olds don't provide a lot of answers.
  • "When I get bigger, like Daddy, I will eat too many treats and get sick...because I can choose that."

  • "For my Birthday I would like a toy just a toy that makes bananas and chocolate into cars."
  • "Haddy, you need to hold my hand so I can keep you safe." (On a long walk home from the park).

  • "You will miss me when I am 5." "Why?" "Because I will be so bigger."

  • Trevor was helping Isac ride his bike outside. As they approached a hill, Isac stopped and Trevor urged him on. Isac replied, "No, Dad. I need to stop and pretend something." He then acted out a crash with sound effects and actions.

  • Isac was praying quietly in the corner and announced that he had ask for "there to be no food or water" like Nephi when he prayed for a famine. I ask, "but what if I get hungry?" He walked back to the corner and prayed that there would be food and water.

We're happy to have our inquisitive, entertaining, sensitive four-year-old blow out another candle on his birthday cake.


Jade said...

We sure miss this little guy in Moscow.

jmelgan said...

too funny...

Grandma Walters said...

A young child who can think and feel like this has to have been taught in his home by loving parents!! Thanks for sharing. In more ways than one (the prayer) he is like Nephi! Love you all!