Sunday, May 18, 2008

Happy Birthday, Mommy

Happy Birthday, Mom! We love you and hope you had a very fun and enjoyable Birthday.

1 comment:

Grandma Walters said...

Can't believe Cathy has not responded to this yet!! She needs to stop being so busy and visit the FOOLS on the Hill! What a darling video!! What character in Shakespeare needs a beard, Trevor? I loved yours and Amy's dancing! And the kids were so cute on the things at the park. Such a cute reaction with Cathy with them! When Isac was born I thought "He's too PRETTY to be a boy, but WOW now it has turned to HANDSOME! And Haddy seems to say, "Look out world, here I come!" Can't believe how Sophia has grown since we saw you in December! We love all of you!!