Thursday, September 3, 2009


For some time, I've pondered about the word, "fiddledeedee" with amusement.

Who was the first exasperated soul to stub their toe on a bag of beets and exclaim, "fiddledeedee!" Why did Scarlett O'Hara use it in a playful banter with Rex in Gone with the Wind?

My first exposure to this fine word was in the Pehrson home in Driggs, Idaho. As a sophomore at Teton High School, I thought Amy Pehrson's Dad was quite the jester when he uttered it.

Much later, I discovered a family from Colorado who used the word whenever the opportunity arose. "Fiddledeedee" was one of Dad Hill's favorite words after watching The Great Race in his youth.

And now, I find myself revisiting the word when I watch one of the best Donald Duck episodes of all time with Trevor and the kids: Donald Duck: Early to Bed. For a good laugh, visit:

And while I sit at the computer tonight, catching up on emails and writing in my journal, I may just find myself uttering "fiddledeedee" when I think of the chocolate-chip cookies I burned while writing this post.

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