Screaming seems to accompany everything we do. Just give us a call, any time of day, and you will hear our screaming soundtrack. Haddy screams in happiness, frustration, and play. Isac follows her lead. Sophia joins in to say she's sick of being ignored.
Lately, screams come from the many "bad guys" that invade our house. Isac and Haddy, dressed down to their undies and diaper, fly around the house like Superman and corner their enemies. They keep their body temperature up in our cold apartment by climbing on furniture, falling on piles of blankets, and doing tricks on the couch. Luckily, Isac's superhero fixation has not prevented him from letting Haddy choose their play every once in a while. They create quite the fairytale scene when they dress up as a prince and princess and waltz to classical music.
Haddyn doesn't have to dress up to be the princess of our home. For her two year birthday, we made princess party hats, decorated a princess cake, and watched our princess prance around the house declaring, "It's my Birt-day!"
Each day, Sophia becomes more aware of her older brother and sister's playtimes and fights. She loves sitting in the "spaceship" bouncer we borrowed from a neighbor because she feels like she's part of the action. Most of the time, she is. Isac and Haddy can't survive an hour without smothering her with kisses. She is our angel baby, behaving on cue and smiling at anyone who catches her eye.
We hope to find an adequate apartment in Ashland to hold all the wrestling matches, superhero battles, forts, picnics, and other family events. We're looking forward to the big adventure, despite the fact that we'll be leaving our comfortable little Moscow filled with familiarity.
With the help of this blog, we'll keep you posted. I've attached a 2 minutes of family video for your viewing pleasure. Feel free to delete these insanely long family updates as soon as they come your way.